MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Not until I was journaling yesterday after my MT post…did I have an aha and remember I’d had a suddenly in the field just like this.
It was 2008. I was in the throes of building my business. I was IN the field…doing the thing…climbing the ladder…getting those titles.
Unexpected. Out of nowhere. On a random Tuesday in the middle of May.
I had an encounter.
THE rescuer showed up.
In an instant, my biz brain was scrambled, my passion for being IN the field was gone, and I knew that that moment had just changed the course of my life.
And boy, did it ever.
I had to come OUT of the field and just sit with the rescuer for a long time. I needed him to hold up for me the TRUTH about who I was, who I am, before I ever did a thing. I needed to have all of the extras of this world stripped bare so that I could finally SEE. I needed performance gone. I needed my identity to be rooted and grounded in Him and not in what I could do or what I could produce.
It was a humbling experience.
An encounter that changed my entire trajectory.
A suddenly, out of nowhere encounter with the rescuer who swoops in and whispers “follow me.”
When that happens…all bets are off.
Mine was a random Tuesday in July 2008.
Yay love connecting off social media too! Yipee!