MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Y’all…can you even believe it’s December 1!?? Crazy town. So…I have an idea. Let’s hang out in the Book of Luke for December. There are 24 chapters and 24 days until Christmas. Read one chapter a day.
Luke is called “The Mercy Gospel”. I like that. I mean…couldn’t we all use a little more mercy?
“I am writing to YOU, mighty lover of God, an orderly account of what Jesus accomplished and fulfilled among us”
Well, that’s a good start. May we all fall even more in love with Jesus as we hang out with Luke.
Each chapter is chocked full, so I doubt I’ll write on a chapter each day…but we’ll see. I’ll probably also be sharing some short thoughts in the notes section here on substack.
Are you in?
Happy December!
… (TPT) His wife, Elizabeth, was also from a family of priests… goes with your lineage.