MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Have you noticed already how many sudden-lies, all at once and how could this happen!?! moments there are in Luke?
Have you had those? Lord knows, I have.
The whole scenario in the beginning of Luke reminds me of 2019 and Kenya.
The July trip went awry…understatement of the year.
We left feeling defeated and down trodden…sure that that was it for a while. I just KNEW that seeing my children again anytime soon was not in the cards.
And yet. SUDDENLY, in the middle of a worship service in August I heard…”they will be here before the end of the year.”
I could have been like Zechariah.
“That’s impossible! There’s no way. They can’t leave the country. There’s no visas or passports or even any connection or advocate on the ground there. I don’t believe it.”
Instead…we got in the truck that night to head home and I said to Keith “they will be here before the end of the year.”
I went home and WROTE IT DOWN in my calendar. Documented what I KNEW God and God alone was going to do.
Y’all. We are a peopled called to STAND and BELIEVE on ever word that comes out of God’s mouth. I’ve seen it time and time again. There are many stories I could share (and perhaps will) of God doing the absolute IMPOSSIBLE in our lives.
In the words of Gabriel: “Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God.”
Let’s hear the promise and then, respond like Mary did. “Yes! I will be a mother for the lord! As his servant, I accept whatever he has for me.”