Morning Sunshine’s! It’s been a while. Maybe more on that later…but…I wrote on Facebook yesterday that I’m going to read along in Luke until Christmas. One chapter a day will take us to the 24th.
The Book of Luke is 1 is LOADED. It just about does me in every time I read it. There’s so much we could talk about in here, but you know which part I’m going to. How could I not?
Here’s a paraphrase:
Don’t be afraid...for I’ve come to tell you that your prayer for a child has been answered. her old age...will have a son. His name will be John. He will bring you much joy & gladness. Many will rejoice because of him. He will be one of the great ones in the sight of God. He will be a forerunner and will be instrumental in turning the hearts of the father’s back to their children. He will prepare a people who are ready for the Lord’s appearing.
Elizabeth...had a son…in her old age…who brings her much joy and gladness.
Why? How? Because NOT ONE promise from God is empty of power...not one. For NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with God.
That’s real good.
Glad you’re back.
Don’t ever leave again.
Love you 🥰