LOTS of red letters in Luke 12. Lots to read and take in. Lots of wisdom and truth and lessons.
It’s funny, Keith and I were just talking about the Pharisees and their “systems” last night at dinner. How, more often than not, we see it repeated in churches far and wide. I’m not pointing fingers. Not one of us knows how to do this perfectly…but, this goes back to one of my posts the other day about losing the SIMPLICITY of the gospel.
We have systems and rules and payments and all kinds of things still permeating the church. We have hypocrisy for days. Facades. People who are HURTING, depressed, marriages falling apart, looking at porn, going into deep debt…who wake up on Sunday mornings, put on their Sunday best, go to church, sit on a pew … and all the while, they are dying inside and hurting and in need. They go to church to check a box because they think they’re “supposed” to. They smile and say “I’m fine” when someone asks how they’re doing.
I write all of that not with one ounce of judgement but with deep sadness because of the realization of how many still don’t know HIM. Going to church doesn’t assure that. Getting real and raw and being broken and needy and crying out, does. Tithing “religiously” doesn’t assure that. Having the appearance of good doesn’t assure that. Coming to him as we are does.
And then, I LOVE how, right after Jesus addresses the hypocrisy, he goes into declaring TRUTH over who they are, how God sees them and loves them, and how they are more valuable to God than anything in the world. AS. THEY. ARE. Not when they get cleaned up, do good and follow rules imposed by man.
Luke 12 is a good one. I’m going to go get another coffee and read some more.
Your writing… see an issue, point it out, end with LOVE, I mean… that’s the Gospel!
So true. How often have i/we been guilty of this? It's easier, we think, to put on the facade rather than being honest.