It kind of feels like a ton of the Book of Luke is Jesus giving the religious spirit the middle finger. 😂😂 I mean, for real. At every turn, he’s bumping up against that thing and giving it what for.
I’ve often said that to me, the “religious spirit” is one of the most heinous spirits and it seems Jesus feels the same way. It’s really anti-Christ, isn’t it!?! And, it PAINS ME that so many encounter this spirit and then believe that THAT is what the gospel is all about. They turn and run as far away from all of it as they can…and who can blame them. Rules, regulations, do this, don’t do that. And by all means, walk around with the appearance of being super spiritual. It’s just a lot.
Enter in Jesus.
Calling out the Pharisees and the “experts of religion”. Healing on the sabbath. Condemning greed and the money chasers. Sitting with the broken. Eating with the prostitutes. Confronting the demons.
He’s my kind of guy.
There is absolutely nothing religious or pharisaical about this post! BAM