Jesus sure did love a parable. And a flock. And…as “flock owners”, I get the first one in Luke 15. Listen, if one of our goats was in trouble or got out…we’d stop EVERYTHING and go after it. We know each one’s sound. We know when it’s peaceful at the barn and when there’s a disturbance. We’d search and search and search if one was lost (especially Buck:).
Jesus says the shepherd “didn’t stop UNTIL he finally found it”. He also said that “Heaven rejoices over the rescue of ONE who is lost and comes back HOME to return to the fold.”
When we wander off, get lost, lose our way or get separated from our shepherd…it’s really HOME in our hearts that creates a huge void and unsettling. We can try to fill that void with a million things but we’re never really at peace again until we’re found and back home…where we belonged the whole time.