Luke 16 is kind of heavy duty. It’s probably some of the passages that get to people and have them say “nah…being a Christian isn’t for me…I like the world and all its finery.”
It’s kind of like a line in the sand is drawn in this chapter. Jesus is like “you need to choose between devotion to God and the wealth of THIS world. You must love one and reject the other.”
I know wealthy christians. I know even more christians who trust the lord with all their heart to direct their paths and provide provision. They don’t sit around waiting for money to show up in their mailboxes…they love the Lord, listen intently to the Holy Spirit, and put their hands to what he’s directed. Their LOVE is focused on the Lord NOT the money that comes or does not come. ‘Cause y’all know it can also go. Better to not put your trust in money.
One of the things the Lord said to me in 2008 was “Take care of MY business and I’ll take care of YOURS.”
It was a promise and a shift. My eyes went off of what I could do in my own strength to produce money and status and went into what “his business” looked like. It pretty much looks like loving and serving people. It pretty much looks like Isaiah 61.
The older I get and the more I walk with the Lord, the more the “things of this world” lose their appeal. Money is not evil. It’s simply all about where our eyes are, what our heart longs for and where our trust is placed.
I know who I trust.