Today’s reading in Luke 21 and the story of the widow’s offering reminded me of a post I wrote years ago. Here it is:
Be GENEROUS, not cheap. Bring the MOST to the table, not the least. If you live from a place of withholding it means you’re entertaining a poverty spirit. To kick that baby to the curb give more, share more, love more. And everytime you feel FEAR around giving...of yourself, your time, your money..use that as a check to know it’s probably at work. Some “checks” are wisdom. Some are fear. Learn to know which is which. The key is the emotion that drives it.
We had a gathering yearssss ago. Everybody brought a dish to share. One person, who was probably the most wealthy, brought a half used roll of paper towels. I was shocked. They could have come empty handed and I would not have cared…but a used roll of paper towels?!? It showed me that giving is always a condition of the heart not a function of what’s in your wallet.
Let’s be like the widow…willing to give God all. He sure did.
How can I explain to you how amazing your thoughts are. I mean… this hit the mark dead center, bullseye.