There’s a SIMPLICITY our culture has missed.
In Luke 9, Jesus sent out his disciples with these instructions:
Take nothing extra on your journey. Just go as you are. Don’t carry a staff, a backpack, food, mo he, not even a change of clothes.
To the grocery store. To the bank. To the office. To the school. To the job site. To the book club. To the church. To the meeting. To the restaurant. To the gathering.
And, as you go, share the wonderful news and heal people who are sick…physically or emotionally.
Notice he didn’t say…work super hard on a website. Package up your knowledge and sell it. Create funnels. Raise money. Get a board. Create mission statements. Over complicate it. Make it cumbersome.
Oh how we work to complicate it…when all along, he just wants us to GO, as we are, into ALL the world, to love on people and heal the hurting.
May we all begin to return to the simplicity of the beautiful gospel of Jesus.
So meaningful and helpful 🔥