This one gets me every time:
For my weakness becomes a PORTAL to God’s Power. - 2 Cor 12:10 (TPT)
Portal: a door, a gate, an entrance.
When we try to be strong, do everything in our own strength, avoid weakness at ALL COSTS, have it all together, know all the answers, try to stay in control (a lie) so everyone around us is good and comfortable and not experiencing pain…
In my WEAKNESS and trials and tribulations and neediness and inability…I’m more likely to TURN to God and cry out.
When that happens, he has a portal…an open door … through which to display, show up, and showcase HIS power.
When I’m WEAK, He’s STRONG.
Not experiencing God’s power? Stop trying to be so strong in yours.
Again. Perfect timing. But God’s like that. The word portal got me in that translation. Michael uses that word frequently when he teaches.