MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I just had a thought…a little late on this Friday morning.
I’m sitting here praying for a dear friend and I began to pray for clarity. How many of us have prayed and asked for that one?! 🙋🏻♀️
I realized that more often than clarity, what we need is a word.
It’s like…praying for clarity is asking for the whole picture to be revealed so we KNOW and are clear and can move forward. Kind of takes away the whole faith thing…
But a word. A word we can take a step on. A word gives our feet a place to land. Peter stepped out of that boat and onto the water on a word…he didn’t have clarity on how he’d do it or why he should or if he even could. Jesus simply said “COME” and Peter left the boat and walked on the water towards Him.
A word is often what we get and NOT the whole picture. It requires faith. Steps. Moving into the mystery.
So. I’ve revised my prayer this morning. I’m asking for a word to step out on and not clarity for the bigger picture.
Excellent word! It gave me great clarity too…really.
That’s excellent