ABIDE: to remain, dwell, reside in. To continue to be present. To be kept continually.
"IF you abide in my are my disciples indeed. AND you shall know the TRUTH and the truth shall make you FREE."
We all want to be FREE. Yet, there are things that can hold us in captivity ... keep us from moving forward...stuff we circle back around to over and over and over.
What has the world taught us to do?
We look everywhere else except to the one place/person that has the true capacity to set us free.
"But it has to be much harder than that! Much more complicated. This thing I want to be set free from is way too big. I can't just abide...that's crazy. I have to DO something!"
Have you ever seen the visual of an animal caught in a snare...and the more THEY TRY to get set free the worse it gets and the more entangled they are? Abiding in self does that. It gets us more entangled. If we would just STOP. Turn. Abide and hang out and get to know the person (the word, the truth) of Jesus...He then comes in and does the heavy lifting.
It’s a better (and contrary) way.
Thank you ❤️
You’re most welcome!