Always, always, always follow Jesus.
For quite some time, I’ve been restless…well, maybe restless isn’t the right word..more like feeling I should be doing more. Anyway, I’ve “knocked” on proverbial doors to see if they’d open or if I’d feel life on them in order to move forward. NOTHING. I’ve looked around (wrong thing to do) at others moving forward, jumping in, starting afresh…and I’ve longed to be “part of something.” I’d sit here on top of this mountain almost puzzled. Like ummm hellooooo … I’m still here…do you remember me and where I live!? 😂😂🤪
Be still.
And now. As I wake up this morning and look at both the metaphorical storm our fam has been navigating for the past few months and the physical storm and how busy we are on the daily now…I am reminded that JESUS knows all, sees all, knows what’s coming, what we can handle, what should or should not be on our plates. The key is to TRUST Him. To not move ahead of him (or lag behind for that matter). IF I’d taken things into my own hands, I’d have more on my plate now than I could have ever handled.
Follow him. Listen to him. Trust him. Wait on him. Don’t get impatient and move ahead when you’re supposed to be still. Don’t be still and afraid to move ahead when it’s time to move. Stick so close to him that you know when there’s movement or when there’s stillness. His vantage point is way different than ours.