MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I was reading in the book of Mark this morning. This jumped out at me:
“They made landfall at Gennesaret and anchored there.” Mark 7:53
But here’s the deal. They weren’t headed for Gennesaret…they were headed for Bethsaida but had apparently been blown off course.
Wouldn’t it seem that you would NOT anchor in to a place you landed where you did not want or mean to be? Yet, they did.
ANCHORED: (verb): firmly fixed.
But guess what happened in this ‘blown off course’ place? ALL who touched him (Jesus) were instantly healed. Miracles happened. Lives were changed.
Maybe, just maybe, when we get BLOWN OFF COURSE, instead of beating ourselves up about it or begrudging where we’ve “landed”, we should simply anchor in and KNOW there’s a reason and that maybe, just maybe, miracles are about to happen.
Now that’s a WORD!
Soooo gooood!