MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I remember YEARS ago…and by years, I mean like 12…the Lord said to me:
The enemy will go through the back door to get to the younger generation by getting the older generation to sit down.
I believe he’s done it.
And I’m not even sitting down…yet, he’s trying to get to MINE right under my nose.
And guess what!?! I’ve crossed the line from being super mad AT the situation to being super mad AT the devil.
I was thinking back last night on the handful of times in my life where he has OVERPLAYED HIS HAND.
The result….
This is one of those times.
I used to call it righteous anger. This week, I’m calling it HOLY PISSED OFF-NESS.
Sorry if that word offends you. It seems to be the only one that fits right now. Mad is too calm at this point.
PISSED is where I am.
And the very few times I’ve gotten HERE…the Lord has flooded me with a boldness that can only come from Him.
Hey. I’m a “back me into a corner and I’m gonna come out swinging” kind of girl.
The world wants us to experience and walk through these things QUIETLY because hidden things help people “save face.”
The enemy uses shame to shut us up so we don’t dare use our voices to PROCLAIM what the heck is really happening.
He does anything and everything he can do to SILENCE us and have us SIT DOWN.
Well, guess what.
I may cry for a bit…but then…I war.
Ain’t that the truth.
I'll be a prayer warrior for you my dear ole friend! ❤️ 🙏