MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I decided that instead of waking up and writing down what I HAD on MY list for today…I’d actually ASK someone whose plans are always far better than mine.
“Jesus…what is for TODAY?”
*Leave yesterday behind. Leave tomorrow alone. Just BE with me IN today.*
be (verb): to exist or live; to occupy a place; to continue or remain.
I’ve realized, over time, that because sometimes present was painful…I learned to function in it by always looking to the future. That pattern was created and carried into my adult life. It made it difficult to simply BE in the moment, in the day, fully engaged in where I was NOW. It was, and can still be, a form of escapism.
Even yesterday. You read my post. I don’t do busy anymore. But sometimes…what comes along with that is a feeling of boredom. And instead of BEING where I am…that boredom can get me thinking of where I’m GOING. Oh, I can dress it up and call it being a visionary…but at the end of the day…it can keep me from being fully alive simply where I am.
They say awareness is more than half the battle. Oh, believe me, I am fully aware of my shortcomings. My prayer, this morning, for myself and for YOU is that we find ourselves fully present in the moment today. Fully connected. Fully aware of His presence. Fully engaged with our life AT HAND…and that no form of escapism…no matter how small or big it is…creeps in to STEAL even a second of our beautiful, present, fully gifted to us day.
I love how you wrote this today, it is so on point and practical as far as HOW to do the thing. I was in a recovery program for many years and this is how we learned from another. We shared our past and present which allowed us to go into tomorrow with the tools needed to be. Thank you for your sharing such practical, non-judgmental thoughts with us! ❤️