Woke up thinking of this scripture: “BEHOLD, I will do a NEW thing, now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
And then…I backed up to verse 18.
“Do NOT remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.”
Mmmm hmmm.
In order to step into the NEW we must forget the OLD. We must not look back and dwell on things past. I think I most often try to do both … look forward but also think on things past and ponder what I could have done differently. Or I look back to a season I loved that is no longer and wish it still was. That keeps me double-minded and diminishes my capacity to perceive what He’s doing now and going forward.
IF I really want to step into the promise of ALL THINGS NEW, then I must take my eyes off the past and put them on what He’s doing NOW, in the present.
Behold (to look at, to see).
Eyes straight ahead.
I just realized one of the things that I love about your posts. You write in the first person, you don’t point your finger at your audience and tell them what THEY are to do rather you tell them what you do that you feel is wrong or right. Or not even right or wrong but just your life and experience. Virtually every other “christian” writer points out what everyone else is doing wrong instead of allowing us to “identify” with the writer. Thank you for your engaging, encouraging writing. Don’t stop, please, don’t stop.
Well, isn’t it just like the Lord to confirm what He’s been speaking into your heart? For a few months now I’ve been hearing the word BEHOLD. I’ve been walking through this in prayer with the Lord and spent a good bit of time yesterday, talking with the Lord about beholding, specifically beholding Him. Behold: don’t miss this! This is the word the Lord has given me for 2025!