MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I saw a visual of bread crumbs in the snow. I realized that bread crumbs are FORWARD….leading the way to something in the FUTURE. I also realized that I have been looking behind me for the bread crumbs.
In other words, I’ve been going BACK and revisiting words, moments, things the Lord has shown me or whispered to me in my PAST to use as an indicator of where He may be leading me in the FUTURE.
But. This visual showed me that I’ve had it all wrong. Those breadcrumbs have been eaten up by the birds. It’s all good. They were for then. They got me to today, but I cannot look back for them as a clue to tomorrow. I must simply keep stepping forward with eyes on Him and a hunger to discover the breadcrumbs on the path ahead.
The end.
Yes, like the manna in the wilderness...only for the day ahead ❤️
Eyes on Him!🗝