“Come be my disciple.” - Luke 9:59
Jesus spoke this and the guy’s reply was “Someday I will, Lord, but first I need to … “
In this case, the guy wanted to fulfill his duty as a “good son” and wait until his father passed away.
What he really wanted was the security of his inheritance.
Jesus isn’t so concerned with what we view as secure or what we view as the right order. I’ve seen it over and over. Someone gets a word from the Lord, but instead of stepping out ON THE WORD, they get into action working out ways to make the word feel more safe.
Example: “Oh…you want us to move Lord? Well…we will someday, but first, we need to make sure we have a good job and get all the things lined up that WE feel need to be lined up.”
We can take a supernatural call and put a whole bunch of natural on it in 2.2.
It kind of defeats the whole purpose.