I was supposed to be on the road today. We were excited to drive to Kentucky to CELEBRATE the birthday of one of my best friends. It’s really a celebration of LIFE…her life…and the beautiful overcoming she’s gone through BEATING cancer.
I was supposed to be going with one of my other best friends. It was all planned. But now, she is unable to go as well as they await the BIRTH of their grandson. She, too, will be celebrating life this weekend.
And y’all know where I’ll be. Celebrating the life of Papa Tom with the family that he loved oh so well.
So. Here we are. Three friends who really, really, really needed to see each other and be together…who made great plans to do so…BUT…we will all three be in separate places celebrating LIFE in three different ways.
One for overcoming. One for new birth. One for a life well lived.
It really puts things in perspective and I think it’s a picture for us all.
One has returned to heaven. One has just arrived from heaven. One encountered heaven daily in the battle.
CELEBRATE: to make know publicly; to PRAISE WIDELY; to PROCLAIM.
All three of these lives POINT to Jesus. They are making HIM known publicly.
The miracle of life. The mystery of death. The magnificence of trusting God in the midst of the battle.
1 John 4:4: “Little children, you can be certain that you belong to God (and that you came FROM God).
I Cor 15: “I am the resurrection and the LIFE, whoever believes in me, though he dies, he will live!”
Romans 8:37: “In the midst of all these things (trials), we triumph over them ALL, for God has made us to be MORE THAN conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!”
I’ll be celebrating all THREE aspects of life this weekend, as I know they will be, too. It’s a circle ya’ll. A beautiful circle and picture of our arrival, our battles and celebrations, and our returning.
Have a beautiful weekend CELEBRATING LIFE in your own way as well! Love you so!
“May the circle be unbroken…”
Wow, E this is sooo good.