MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I saw a picture in my mind of a log cabin. The LOGS were TRUTH…God’s truth, and the chinking was all the places filled in-between with mixture.
Chinking is a flexible sealant used during the construction that “seals the joints” or “fills in the gaps” between the logs.
I realized that there are places we all probably have truth…but then, we’ve filled in the gaps and the chinking is mostly our own “belief system” based on our lives, our history, our perception, our slant.
You’ve heard of a “chink in the armor” saying I’m sure. The chink means having an area of vulnerability or a weak spot.
I, for one, will be asking the Lord about my chinks. The places I’ve “filled in” around HIS truth with MY slant.
We need the chinking to be God’s truth as well as the logs. When that happens, nothing can get in.
P.S. oh, here’s a visual of an exercise I’m doing in my journal and some examples of how to fill it in. Write GOD’S truth in the logs and then if there’s a chink, write it below. Happy journaling.
absolutely loved this analogy!! thank you for this new perspective
Great picture illustration!