MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I was having a convo with a friend this weekend about the body of Christ. The word I instantly heard was DEHYDRATED. Listen to this:
Dehydrated: deprived of water. Deprived of SPIRIT, force or meaning. Rendered less interesting or effectual.
What!?! Yup. Go look it up in Webster’s. That’s the definition.
I’m going to deep dive into this one, but I’d say it’s right on the money. Religion has taken the SPIRIT (life) out of the body. It’s rendered it less interesting and ineffectual.
People are “leaving” the church (as we know it). People are hungry, thirsty (dehydrated) for LIVING WATER that is not religious in any way shape or form. A body without a SPIRIT is simply a corpse. Yikes.
No spirit. No force.
No force. Ineffectual.
Ineffectual. No Meaning.
Time for lots and lots of WATER.