Take delight in the Lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Hmmm. Do we actually believe that?
I didn’t.
I had it all backwards.
I’d figure out what MY DESIRE hard to go after it...and THEN ask the Lord to bless it. I believed that I knew best what I wanted.
The word heart in that scripture in the Hebrew and Greek denotes the deepest INNER yearnings one has. I wonder if most of us even really know what ours are?
AND…if deep calls to deep ( and it does), then it stands to reason that HIS deep is what calls up MY deep.
So. To summarize. The contrary way is to simply DELIGHT MYSELF (in the Lord) and TRUST that He will give me the deepest inner yearnings of MY heart.
As my amazing friend says “Rise up spirit, simmer down soul”
Mornin’ Walter.