DIRECTIVE: authoritative instruction or direction; a specific order.
About a week ago, I said to Keith : “God’s so funny…just when I think I’m going to ramp up + DO something, something happens to keep me in a place of stillness STILL.”
He looked at me and said: “Did He TELL you to ramp up!?!” 😳 Yeah…no.
Then I had a dream. Beth Moore came up to me and said “The call will come in the fall.” That was it. Like it it. Short + sweet. A directive.
Oh, how we want a directive. Oh, how when they come we kind of don’t. It is ironic, don’t ya think, that I won’t be able to “physically walk” very well until fall. I sure won’t be able to RUN until then.
DIRECTIVE: authoritative instruction or direction.
When they come, I follow.