MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I started thinking about this last night as I went to bed…and then, I realized it kind of goes along with what I wrote yesterday about SEEING instead of always LOOKING.
Here was my thought:
“We are being WIRED for dissatisfaction with WHAT IS.”
DIS-SATISFIED: NOT content with what is; displeasure; disappointment.
We’re being conditioned to constantly want more, need more, feel like if we aren’t “going after more”, we’re lazy or complacent.
Listen. I’m a born coach + cheerleader. I LOVE seeing people wake up to truth and begin to believe in who they are and who’s in them. I’m FOR movement forward.
But we gotta know, and wake up, and SEE that much of this dis-contentment with WHAT IS is simply a smoke screen to a deeper issue. Being dis-content with what is may be revealing being dis-content with who I AM.
Maybe, just maybe, we’ve been conditioned to believe that if we buy more, do more, stay busier, have more stuff, achieve more…we will find contentment + satisfaction.
This too, my friends, is a lie (and a great DIS-traction from what’s really going on).
Contentment and satisfaction is found when we know WHO we are, when we are super grateful for what we already have, when we aren’t constantly striving to have more or make more so we can buy more. Where’d we learn that we need a closet FULL of clothes? A yard full of cars? A house full of stuff? And yet…we stay on the wheel of production for MORE.
It’s insanity y’all.
My mantra/fave verse came to mind:
“Aspire to live a quiet life, mind your own business and work with your hands.” 1 Th 4:11
Maybe if we’d mind our own business, we wouldn’t be looking and comparing ourselves to others and wanting more because of it. Maybe if we’d aspire to live a simple + quiet life, we’d jump off the crazy train long enough to realize we never really wanted to be on it to begin with.
I don’t know. It’s just a thought. But I do know, for me, in order to be content with WHAT IS, I had to learn to look in HIS face way more than in the WORLD’S.
Working on “ Aspire to live a quiet life, mind your own business and work with your hands.” 1 Th 4:11”