Last night I was up worrying. Well…worrying may not be the right word…but I guess it really boils down to that. I KNEW it was dumb. I knew to take my thoughts captive. I knew to have faith. But still….last night I was up worrying.
I had some medical tests yesterday and I simply could NOT settle. Considering that since day one of hearing the “C word” I’ve had NO worry…this came as a surprise to me.
Is God not the same today as yesterday? What changed? Absolutely NOTHING. He never changes. We..well, we can be tossed to and fro.
I went to Matthew 6:25 early this morning. Gosh…read that one over and over in the Passion translation. Here’s a few of the words:
NEVER be worried. Could worry add anything to your life? Forsake your worries…for that is what UNbelivers chase after (it always comes back to BELIEF, doesn’t it!?)
FORSAKE: to quit or leave entirely; to abandon. To give up or renounce.
Those are some strong and powerful words. God is not mamby pamby when it comes to talking about worry.
And then…in verse 33, He gives us the SOLUTION:
“So above all, CONSTANTLY seek God’s Kingdom…REFUSE to worry about tomorrow…DEAL with things one day at a time.”
Shew. He ain’t playing around. And so…today…I will be hanging out here, focusing on the kingdom and HIS truth over any and all thoughts and imagination bubbles that try to float right into my mind.
Join me?
Love y’all so much.
I say some version of this prayer every morning. 🤦🏼♀️
Dear Lord,
We know that fear and anxiety comes from the enemy, not from You. Please help us to take every fearful thought captive and replace it with your unwavering Truth. Anxiety has no place in the story you are writing for us!
Right now, I declare Your Word over Elizabeth. You are with her and will never leave her. You are protecting her. You know and care about every detail of her life.
I pray all of this in Your powerful name,
Isaiah 46:4
I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.
“ Love y’all so much” nope, I love you more!❤️❤️