Some of y’all may have seen that I signed up for Hope*Writers yesterday and to work with a writing coach. 😳 Whoa. Scary stuff for me. My friends know I have commitment issues and if you give me a deadline I may run in the opposite direction.
The encouragement I’ve received about this has been tremendous. So, I wanted to turn around this morning and encourage you!
Here’s my THOUGHT: So often, it seems we simply CIRCLE AROUND that center mark. That bullseye. That thing. THE thing. I think that often, we know deep inside what IT is…but it’s kind of daunting and scary, and so, we dance around it. Oh, we entertain it slightly…you know…dabble a bit…do a little here and there…but it’s circling. It’s never quite HITTING THE MARK.
And then, when we do JUMP, we often back peddle so quickly we don’t even have time to explore this new found bravery. Maybe I’m only explaining what I’VE DONE. Maybe, just maybe, I’m explaining what some of you have done.
When we step out in-COURAGE…it en-COURAGES others. By sharing our jumps, our struggles, our fears, our shortcomings…it says to others…it’s ok! I jumped in spite of! And look! I’m surviving! Jump in with me!! You can do it!
May we all take a little jump today into waters that make us nervous. May we all be enCOURAGERS and sow courage everywhere we go. We need more courage in the world right now. I know we can do it.
Love you.