Paul was Saul. Until ENCOUNTER. Saul was a bad dude. He was basically a terrorist. He was full of passion + zeal AGAINST christians. Until.
One encounter. Fully changed.
Elizabeth was full of self. Selfish ambition. Self focused. Self reliant. Self centered. Until.
One encounter. Fully changed.
ENCOUNTER: to meet with, especially unexpectedly.
It’s the unexpected ENCOUNTER that will change your life. Not the Sunday sermon. One encounter and you’re DONE. You can never go back to who you were the day before.
Ask for it. Pray for it. HE knows the exact day and time to enter in.
P.S. y’all…is daily too much for you? Is your inbox being overwhelmed? Would you prefer, if you’re not on social media…to simply come to the site to read them? Keep me posted. This is FOR you.
I like email! I don’t want another place to “go”. I’m on social media less and less. Email is perfect. And I’ll take whatever you want to give dear friend. Love you! 💙
I love & appreciate daily!