MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I woke up to a facebook memory. 12 years ago today, I was in the hospital after my colon burst and subsequent surgery. Today, I’m heading to my kidney surgeon for CT scans and making sure that C word is still GONE. It made me think of the word ENDURE (to bear up without resistance and with patience) and of the amazing grace that truly flows for people who are enduring. I’ve been the recipient of that grace. It’s legit. I’m so thankful for it.
Paul shared in 2 Timothy 2 that he endured all of the hardships he went through for the benefit of others so that THEY might discover the overcoming life in Jesus. In Hebrews 12 we are told that Jesus endured the cross for the joy (us) set before him.
In both instances, the one enduring had to look BEYOND the current pain and circumstances and believe that it was for a greater purpose.
I am convinced that when we endure, others benefit in some way. We also benefit in ways we don’t even see…yet. Enduring always produces great fruit IF we can go through it without becoming bitter or resentful.
I know there’s a lot of ENDURING going on out there. Everywhere. So many people…and it’s difficult to see the future when you’re smack dab in the middle of it. I’m praying for that free-flowing grace to be your strength today.
P.S. another word for endure is ABIDE. I think that’s also the solution.
Thank you sweet friend!!
I (think) see some of the benefits of enduring happening in my life now (maybe) {not sure} hope so….