“Let the faith OF GOD be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and DOES NOT DOUBT…’mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea’ and BELIEVES that what he says will happen, it WILL BE done.” -Mark 11:22-23
God’s faith in me is way different than my faith in me.
Listening is a lost art.
HIS truth…not ours.
We have lot of speaking it out, preaching it good, proclaiming it like crazy…
BUT…doubt is the stopper…and that’s a HEART issue.
Doubt: to be divided or undecided in your heart.
Hmmm. So. We as a people pray and then wonder why our prayers aren’t answered. We declare and wonder why it doesn’t come to pass. We think that somehow it’s because GOD failed to show up, when, in truth, it’s because WE are full of words but NOT true belief.
Belief cannot come by simply hearing words about a person. Y’all can talk to me and tell me all day long about Joe Smo…how great he is, how trustworthy he is…BUT, if I have not spent time with him, really gotten to know him ON MY OWN and allowed trust to build…I deep down may say things, but I won’t FULLY believe it.
Belief comes with TIME spent not words preached.
We gotta stop talking about him and actually get to know him.
P.S. all my kiddos are home this week so my thoughts may or may not happen:) enjoying every minute of FAMILY.
Love you all!
“ it’s because WE are full of words but NOT true belief.” YES
It truly is a case of, “I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief!”