Morning love bugs! (Yes, it’s 10am:) Happy LABOR day! The word labor immediatley made me think of Hebrews 4…laboring to ENTER IN to God’s REST.
It’s a promise y’all. This promise of living from a place of REST. It’s taken me a looooong time to get here (14 years), and there are days I can feel the PUSH to go back into striving + laboring…it can be so strong…but…I STOP and you know what I say:)
NOPE. I don’t operate that way anymore.
I had to CHOOSE to believe and not doubt God and His word. Period. End of story. Like I said the other day…I had to draw a line in the sand for myself to say either it’s ALL TRUE or none of it’s true. I had to begin to take Him at his word. I had to be okay with NOT KNOWING. With TRUSTING. With standing still when others moved. With moving when others stood still. I’ve had to go through trials to come out on the other side KNOWING His word is true.
There is a cost to this FAITH-REST LIFE. And doubt will keep you tossed to and fro between HIS truth and the World’s.
I choose HIS. It hasn’t failed me yet.
Hi Elizabeth
I just had to comment on one thing you wrote. As you know my dad Harry Bizzell passed away 2 years ago in January. The following June on Fathers Day I had a dream. Dad walked right up to me and looked in my eyes. He looked fantastic by the way , so full of vitality. He spoke these words to me , "IT'S ALL TRUE ! This blessed me so much because he was such a lover of the Word and he loved to tell the stories of Jesus most of all. I cherish these words!