MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️❄️: We are each uniquely and wonderfully made. One of a kind. Not one like another. We were perfectly fashioned and created by HAND. Our height, shape, hair color, eye color, nose...all of it…fashioned in the SECRET PLACE. Amazing.
I read an article the other day that said: “Macro photos of snowflakes show impossibly PERFECT designs”. Every. Single. Snowflake. Different. Intricately designed. One of a kind.
Why in the world would we look at others and wish we looked like them? Or hate certain parts of our fashioned selfs? Or try to change all of the things that make us uniquely us? We are lovely. You are lovely. Just ask your Creator and HE will tell you the same.
Have a beautiful Monday!
It is your uniqueness that make you the only E ❤️