MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Mornin’ Sunshines! Happy Wednesday. I’m in that stage of summer where I have to look up what day of the week it is. I’m not mad about it:).
Anyway…here’s what I read this morning:
Let JOY be your continual feast. Make your LIFE a prayer. - 1 Th 5:17
Makes me think of the statement: “You are what you eat.”
What we choose to FEAST on determines who we become.
If we feast on social media, world news, fear, gossip…we will digest that AND output that Sorry for that lovely visual…but it’s true.
Last night, Keith and I went to dinner. We had an entire menu to choose from. LOTS of stuff. The list for “create your own” was equally as extensive.
Create your own. That’s what we’re doing. By choosing what we feast on.
What if we saw a menu and fruit of the spirit was under “create your own” but also the fruit of the flesh was there. I don’t think we’d willingly choose the column with the fruits of the flesh. Yet, we ARE choosing that when we CONSUME them. And then…we output them. It’s simple science.
Today, I’m going to be VIGILANT about feasting on JOY…walking around with a heightened awareness that what I eat, I become.
Happy feasting!
So interesting, as I sat & watched the waves wash in on the shore of Lake Victoria this morning, I wrote "My word for the day... give yourself a break, find joy, choose happy!"
I love the thought of feasting on Joy. We cannot manufacture joy. It is a byproduct of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us…it bubbles up freely from a beautiful place in the heart. What an amazing gift God has given us!