MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Here’s a little follow up thought to yesterday’s post.
Don’t think for one second I’m sitting up here on the mountain being “Ms. Holy”…doing everything right. I’m learning. Daily. Right along with each of you.
I have NOT had my world in ORDER for most of my life. Because I didn’t find myself to be super valuable, I looked to THE WORLD to define what WAS valuable for me.
I took my cues from the wrong place.
I needed to PRODUCE things people could SEE so THEY could applaud and tell me I was doing great.
That makes me want to puke writing it. Yuck. Seriously. But it was true.
It’s such a dead end road that leads to nowhere.
Ignore the world.
If it says one thing, take some time to ask yourself if it’s “true” or if it’s contrived by the set of rules it made up.
It’s time to stop playing “it’s” game and living by “it’s” rules. You can’t win.
Bottom line: I used to long for the applause of many. Now, I only long for the applause of ONE.
It’s soooo freeing.
Love you all and hope your weekend is FREEING:).
I Love how real you are! ❤
I’m getting there too. Social media is a huge snare for me in this. Ugh. I still have not found a way to use it without getting sucked in. So, I’m on another break. Double ugh…maybe I’ll never go back.