MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: There’s a NEW THING waiting. But the OLD THING still has our attention and keeps causing us to look back.
Back is not the way.
Forward is the way.
We are not who we were and what we did will no longer fit for where we are going. Comfort lies in the old thing, because we know it. We know what to expect, what to do, what our days hold…and the new thing? Well, there is no roadmap. The path won’t be created until we get on it and start walking. And every time we pause to reconsider the old thing, we stop moving.
“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over OLD history! Be alert! Be present! I’m about to do something BRAND NEW! It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?! There it is! Im making a road through the desert.” -Isaiah 43:19 (The Message)
Hahah GPS out of service. You ain’t whistlin’ dixie. No more long distance maps…more like little baby steps each day! Xox
Love this: “The path won’t be created until we get on it and start walking.”
#newraodmap #GPSoutofservice