MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Lord, we need a word for TODAY. Yesterday’s bread has come and gone or it’s stale. We need to hear your voice new every morning.
Yesterday, before we gathered for ShopTalk, I grabbed a book to get a quote or a question to pose as a jump off point. As soon as I grabbed that book…I put it down. That’s the wrong place to go. The place to GO is to the Lord to seek what HE has for today. My thoughts went to wondering how many “messages” and sermons we have heard that were “out of time.” Oh, of course, biblical lessons are timeless…but it’s so important to HEAR what is for NOW.
Another example. I have over 3000 Morning Thoughts that I’ve written. I had a morning recently where I was running behind, so I cut/paste a past thought. Still a great message…but the response to it was MUCH less than when I wake up, spend TIME with the Lord and write in present time for you + me for TODAY.
Yesterday’s sermon isn’t going to be enough by Thursday. We need DAILY BREAD. That prophetic word from ten years ago … the window may have passed. We MUST get in the habit of seeking the LORD daily and asking Him what is for today. I love this scripture:
“If you will WAIT by wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, JOY will break forth within you as you listen for what I will say.”
So good. I made a MORNING WORKSHEET for it a while back…I’ll see if I can find it for you!
Here’s to HEARING for today. Ask. He will show you.
Happy Monday. eb
And that is your bread you made in the picture.
Thanks for that reminder! 🙌 What scripture is that you quoted?