Our fruit trees are all FULL right now. Pear trees. Peach trees. Apple trees. Blueberry bushes. Grape vines. Fruit GALORE.
It’s amazing to me and always reminds me that there are many times we reap what we did not sow. These plants were here way before we arrived on the scene, and, hopefully, they’ll be here to bless others long after we’re gone. Amazing to think about that. How many blessings in our lives are we receiving due to the prayers or seed planting from earlier generations? What do we have access to now because of the hard work of those who went before us?
The other thought I had was that just because a tree is “labeled” something, doesn’t mean it will produce fruit. There have been many years that no fruit appeared. We even have two peach trees next to each other and one is full and one has NO fruit on it. Go figure. My take away from that?! Don’t read labels, watch for what’s produced.
This farm life is so full of life lessons.
Living on a farm my entire life, I can relate. Love this.