MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I love this quote from Bob Goff :
“It’s easy to confuse a lot of activity with a purposeful life. Get some rest.”
Pre-2008 that was me. BUSY. Working. Doing. Producing. All. The. Time.
The last fifteen years have been a school to learn the opposite. To LIVE from a place of rest. There’s no striving in anything I do. None.
I’ve learned to follow the “unforced rhythms of grace” to live freely & lightly.
It can take a long time to detox from the messaging of the world…to be in constant productivity and activity. It’s such a lie and a life-stealer. I’m with Bob...get some rest. It’ll do you good.
I was just looking at that verse in the message translation yesterday. Sometimes you have to come to the end of your strength to realize that you NEED the unforced rhythms of Grace.