Good Father.
(I’m still copying and pasting:) have a great weekend everyone!)
MORNING THOUGHTS☕️: Last night, as I was falling asleep, I started saying the Lord’s Prayer. And then, I stopped, and decided to say it in plain old, I’m talking to my legit father, language. It went something like this:
YOU are MY Father.
You SEE all and KNOW all.
You’re all around me.
Everyone knows your name. You’re set apart.
I want YOUR rule and reign in my life, NOT the world’s. Here and now.
I KNOW you will give me EXACTLY what I need for TODAY. It will be the perfect amount.
Forgive me. Help me to forgive others. Keep temptation from the evil one away from me. I know he’s lurking around like a lion, just around the corner, waiting to pounce.
I know NONE of this is too much for YOU, for yours is the kingdom and you have the power and besides, you’re famous...forever and ever. Thank you, Father.
The part that REALLY, REALLY stood out to me was asking him and KNOWING that today, he’d give me the DAILY BREAD needed. And tomorrow...He’ll do the same. Not too much. Never too little. Just what I need for TODAY.
If you’re dealing with overwhelm, focus on this truth. Just today. The bread given. That’s all. Tomorrow, you can do the same.