Clearly there’s graduate (noun). We watched 163 of them cross the stage and get their diplomas last night.
And then, there’s graduate (verb).
Graduate: to pass by degrees. To grant a diploma at the close of a course of study. To commission.
I have so much to say about last night. It was incredible. More later. But this morning…I’m thinking about how we GRADUATE in life when we complete (and pass) a test. A trial. A hard season. Any season really.
If we could imagine our names being called out in heaven….as we cross the stage to receive the diploma. “WELL DONE”. And then we move our tassel from right to left. From being in the middle of it to overcomer.
And man oh man, did those kids yell and cheer and toss their hats up and throw confetti and blow horns when that simple act of tassel turning was done.
How much more should WE celebrate at the end of seasons where WE graduate!?!
Just a thought. And another visual for us.
Ladies and Gentlemen. You can now turn your tassels.