“Guard well this incomparable TREASURE by the Spirit of Holiness (Holy Spirit) living within you.” 2 Timothy 1:14
Jesus is the treasure Paul’s referring to. And the intimate relationship WITH Him. He’s imploring Timothy to guard it, to realize what a treasure (greatly valued) it is and that the Holy Spirit is the key to being able to do that.
Guard: to keep safe, to keep under close watch, to provide with safeguards.
We lock our doors at night. We take our keys out of our cars. We don’t leave our pocketbooks sitting by themselves at the airport.
These are just THINGS. Yet we guard them, protect them, take measures to ensure they are not able to be stolen or broken into.
Do we do this with our relationship with Jesus and the Spirit of Holiness? Are we locking the doors the enemy has tried (and sometimes succeeded) to enter in through? Are we taking away the keys? Not leaving them laying around to be easily snagged? Are we safeguarding our hearts and putting measures in place to make sure they aren’t broken into?
Just a thought. But...THIS is the most valuable thing you own. THIS is the incomparable TREASURE. THIS is what we should be focused on guarding more than any physical possession here on earth.
Have a great weekend! Love y’all!
Good idea! Or maybe YOU should write on it and I post it as a guest writer. :)
Excellent, I think you need to expand on the latter part about guarding this treasure.