“Harvests happen in FIELDS, not buildings.”
I heard that plain as day from the Lord years ago. It stands to reason, does it not??! IF we want to see a harvest, if we want to be a worker in the field, then we need to GO out into the fields. Go into all the earth doesn’t mean simply geographically.
You + I were never supposed to be satisfied with a “church on Sunday” life. I’m NOT saying don’t go to church. I AM saying that if Sunday morning is the extent of your experience…you’re engaging with a religious spirit that’s telling you to check off that box on your to do list and file it under “good person”.
We are called to live a 24/7 connected, dialed in, aware, on call, ready to go lifestyle. I have a friend who is a volunteer fireman. If that CALL happens in the middle of dinner…he’s out the door. ON CALL. Out in the fields. Going where the people are.
Gosh, I have soooo much more to talk about regarding all of this…but my prayer for scratching the surface this week is that each of us is more aware that every single day, we are IN a field. And that every single day, we are there for a purpose.
Love you all. Have a great weekend. We’ll talk more next week:)