Hey Back Up.
MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I want to share one more take away from Dan’s message:
The antidote to being overwhelmed by the close things and unable to see the strong tower:
It reminded me of a dream I had years ago in which I just kept hearing “hey, back up!”
When I woke up, I knew it was referencing the book of Habakuk.
Sometimes, we need to back up. To stop long enough in the overwhelm, stop being tossed by what we FEEL and what we SEE and get back to what we KNOW.
In Habakuk, he was instructed to write the vision down and make it plain…so others may run with it. We also learn in this scripture, that there is an appointed time for the promise to come to pass.
Dan’s imagery reminded me to back up, and not allow being too close to my current situation make me forget the promises made by the One who always keeps them.
As we round out 2022, maybe you, too, need to back up and remember. Write it down. The things right in front of you are real, but the promise-keeping, strong-tower God is realer.
P.S. I know “realer” is not a word but I liked it there:)
P.S.S. The picture I chose for this morning is Johnie on a college soccer field we toured the other day. Talk about PROMISES KEPT. Whoa. We for sure had to “back up” for a while and keep our eyes on the strong tower and the one who always does what he says he will do. HE did it. In the appointed time. In HIS way.
Love you all.