Morning Sunshines! Well…woke up on this beautiful, crisp fall, Sunday morning to my birthday + my hubs making me coffee (duh…he does that EVERY day:). Realizing today is a new season/new year for me/ and Jewish/Hebraic/biblical NEW year. Lots of NEW in there.
NEW: occurring afresh; now existing or appearing for a first time; being brought into BEING.
I particularly like that last one. Funny, I texted a girlfriend whose birthday was yesterday and spellcheck changed “happy birthday” to “happy BEING”. I left it. I felt it was super purposeful.
BEING: absolute existence in a complete or perfect state; lacking NO essential characteristic; essence.
New IS coming, and it can’t help but arrive when we wake up to BEING and realizing we are complete without adding a single outside thing. So often, we think of new as something exterior changing or being added. I’d venture to guess new now looks simply like being aware of who we truly are.
Anyway. Love you all and am DAILY grateful for you!
Happy Birthday, now leave me alone….
I dreamed last night that the Lord was giving me a specific list of instructions. Wish I could remember what he said! Ha!
Happy birthday, E! 😘🎂💙