MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Mark 8:11 “As soon as Jesus landed, he was confronted by the Pharisees who argued with and tested him. They DEMANDED that he give them a miraculous sign from heaven.”
Religiosity will always demand a sign. Proof. It wants to SEE it before it will believe it. That’s not how Jesus works. With him, when you BELIEVE it, then you will SEE it. He’s not going to jump through hoops and perform in order to prove. Doesn’t that sound just like what the world wants from us!?! To jump through hoops in order to prove our worth? To do MORE in order to prove our value? To bow down to it’s demands?
Don’t do it. It’s a trick. Jesus never tricks. He’s simply there waiting for us to turn from the world’s ways AND religious ways and cry out…”there must be something more.”
There is. It’s a someone. Jesus turned away from those who demanded of him that day…he got back in the boat and crossed over to the OPPOSITE SHORE. Want to really get to know him? Hop in the boat and go opposite of what the world and religiosity is telling you. He’s not on that side of the shore…he’s on the other.
Very good!
I’ve run out of words to compliment your thoughts and writings. Wonderful is what I thought when I read this. Like. the wonder of a Christmas morning opening gifts, or like the wonder of coming around a corner and seeing a sunset. Your writing brings joy to my spirit and my heart. Wonderful…