MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Y’all. Think about this one. Joseph had two dreams. Prophetic dreams. Legit dreams from God. They were clear. He knew the interpretation. (Genesis 37:1-17)
Yet still…there was not ONE THING he could have done in his own strength to make them come to pass. Not one.
In fact…it was as if the whole world rose up to conspire against them coming true.
What could Joseph do? Believe.
In the face of it all. He could only trust God’s timing and believe. He could only stay close to the Lord, not harden his heart so he couldn’t hear, be available to speak when asked, and…WAIT.
There’s that word again. Wait. Oh, and trust. Oh, and believe.
None of that includes striving, controlling, plotting, planning, manipulating, or making it happen.
From what I can tell, at least biblically, it just doesn’t happen that way.
There are two things that I struggle with in my relationship with the Lord, being still and waiting. Father, grant me the ability to be still before you and to wait on your perfect timing.
This is a good word that I needed right now. Thank you for being faithful.