Morning Sunshines! I laid in bed last night thinking this:
Who am I to write to you every morning as if I “know” something!??
I don’t. I’m not a theologian or a Bible scholar. I’m not perfect…duh…and many days, I fight thoughts just like you. I’m not full of faith 24/7. I battle with major health issues. I’m a mom that messes up and a wife that for SURE does. I’m a friend that fails and a real human who can still fight self-centeredness.
But, I am a girl with an immense hunger for Truth that grows daily. I am a girl who seeks HIM and HIS face first and often because I KNOW it’s so needed. I am a girl who has had profound and life-changing real-deal legit encounters with Jesus. I am a girl who reached the brink of extreme brokenness but got rescued by the only One who can. I am a girl who DECIDED that my way was no longer THE way, and so, I relinquished the rights to my life and have for sure found it to be the way TO life.
I’m just a girl. Journeying. Waking up every morning needy. Feeling that I have sooo much to talk to you about and feeling I have nothing to say.
I think the key, for all of us, is HUNGER and to just keep showing up. As we are. To share the journey…good and bad…whether it’s with a friend over coffee or group over lunch or a post. You’ll know when and where and how. The world needs to hear from real, authentic, travelers.
Today. Let’s all just be real and share our journey…maybe just a tiny piece of it…with someone who needs to hear it.
I love your morning thoughts E. Don't stop writing dear one!
Thank you for being my co-conspirator, sounding board, and my friend❤️