Well. Here I am again. Two days in to saying I’m not going to write a Morning Thought…and yet, two days in to still sending one. I can’t help it, I guess. If I hear something, I need to write it…and if I write it, why not share it?!
Yesterday, I heard the term “Lady-In-Waiting”. I have a feeling this applies to many of you, and not just me.
A lady-in-waiting was a personal assistant at a court, attending to a high ranking nobleman or royal person. A court lady. A palace woman. Really more of a companion than a servant, but a servant, none the less.
She may or may not have been compensated for the services she rendered. But she was clearly well taken care of. She had a lot of duties, including reading to, writing correspondence from, discreetly relaying messages upon command.
So. Dang. Good.
A dear friend had just shared a story/example with me on my birthday. He told me that a servant or “wait”er who waits on the King, is always attentive to the moves and needs of the King. Often times, they were simply WAITing and watching…anticipating the next need and there and ready when the time came.
I like this. Waiting is not fun. And lord have mercy, in this day and time, it’s a lost art. But I am DETERMINED to be found in-waiting. Attentive, listening, watching, ready to move and be there when the King needs something. If I busy myself with other things while I’m in wait..I could miss the most subtle of moves or not hear the next message.
Some of you are also ladies-in-waiting. Don’t you dare for one second look at this waiting season as a “being forgotten” season. You’re a palace woman. Placed next to the nobleman. Your next assignment is right around the bend. Keep waiting.
“ If I busy myself with other things while I’m in wait..I could miss the most subtle of moves or not hear the next message.” THAT. So powerful.