“Leaving the crowds BEHIND...” - Mark 5:36
There’s soooo much in this portion of scripture. It’s where Jesus quiets the storm. But this morning, those 4 words...
I can PROMISE you this...if you choose to follow Jesus, you WILL have to leave the crowds behind...go down roads that you have no idea where they will end up...stand alone...sometimes feel alone...take un-pioneered paths and say yes to mysteries.
Crowd pleasing/people pleasing has NO place in this smaller circle, and the inability to leave the crowd behind will keep you from entering in to the more Jesus has for you.
More may first look like less and it may mean you walk alone on a road you’ve never walked on before.
Walk on it anyway.
For way too many years I have prayed for godly female friends. Recently I heard the Father loud & clear asking me to only worry about my friendship with Him. I know it’s lonely sometimes but that’s when I am to rely on Him & Him alone. There is so much freedom in the lonely now because I understand that it’s only supposed to be HIM!
Love, love, love, this!